Saturday, February 14, 2009

Back in Business

How long has it been since I've first put foot in the oldest and richest university of Hungary, the PTE? Well, frankly, not so long ago! Last September, to be exact, but I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to tell myself and everyone who is listening; I'm back in business!

I haven't been an active student since January the 5th. It was the date of my last exam. Since then I've been to the university once... for 10 minutes, but that was because I "got rid" of my index. I got so used to being at home that I've even decided to move home and leave my rent - so far, one of the toughest decisions of my life, which will have a post of its own.

On the second of February something happened. That old familiar feeling... I hated it... I welcomed it! As I was walking up the stairs of the enormous PTE building a cold chill went running down my back, my right knee trembled a little and I could feel warmth in my chest. These actions combined and made my lips form a smile... I was hurrying to my first class of the semester (English Literature and Culture I).

Since then, I've only went to classes with a smile... Wonderful, isn't it? :)

1 comment:

Gabe said...

it is indeed wonderful :D